Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fashion Emergency

On Wednesday I decided that I would dress it up a bit and wear black pants (which you never wear as a first grade teacher, 1. because everything shows on them 2. the students have to hug you after they have eaten their (either) chocolate fudge bar, or powdered donuts, so you can see how everything gets on you), a fun shirt, and heel's! I was feeling pretty good about my outfit, and received some compliments about it :) Well school had just begun and my students were filing in to the classroom; when one of them stopped, looked at me and said "ummm...Mrs. Perkins, didn't you wear that top a few days ago?" I replied, well I actually wore it last week, but that is ok. Two other students jumped in and continued picking on me about my clothes :(. Well another teacher heard this and later came up to me and told me not to feel bad becuase her students also comment on things with her. I felt like I was going to cry! I thought I looked pretty good that day. I went home and cried to Luke, then I had to go shopping because Dad is coming to visit, so he said I could get a new shirt so my first graders would not pick on me any more.

Although I could list a bagillion reasons why I do not like Dallas, their fashion, and "I have to pay a million dollars for every piece of clothing I have" is definitely one of my reasons! Seriously, Luke and I were walking around the mall when I needed to go to the bathroom, so we went into this one store that had one. I cannot remember the name of the store, but while I was in the bathroom Luke was looking around. When I came out I saw him talking with with a sales guy. After their discussion I asked him what they were talking about. He said the guy was trying to sell him a $300.00 sweater!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!! Now I am not a fashionable person, nor try to be, but I do like to shop :) However, I cannot bring myself to buy a shirt more then $20.00 never mind $300.00! Crazy, crazy, crazy!

On a much happier note, dad is coming today, and I am so excited! He should be here in half an hour!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

POOR BECCA! I am sure you are quite fashionable, too. What do first graders know?!

Have fun with your dad!